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Just Arrived

SP Moguls 2-6-0: The M6 and M9s. Briefly we are offering these two branch line locos with Whaleback Tender (for 3 rail) and both Vanderbilt & Whaleback tender (in 2R). Models Are In Stock.

NYC J3A SUPER HUDSON: Nothing is finer than the modernized J-3A, with Selkirk Smoke Box, Scullen Disc Drivers, Timken Roller Bearing Rods and PT Centipede Tender. Models are In Stock Now.
CB&Q M-4a 2-10-4 / DM&IR BL-1 2-10-4: The Biggest and Heaviest Engine on the Q. Model Are In Stock

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson: 3 Rail SOLD OUT. Some 2 Rail Remain.
Famous for pulling the 20th Century Limited, This GGD Project is Fully Reserved.

SP AM-2 4-6-6-2 Cab Forward: Built as the MM-2 in the early 1910s, 12 of the MM-2 were rebuilt as simple articulated locos and renamed AM-2. Available in post war lettering.

SP MT-4 4-8-2: Some Black Boiler MT-4s are available. Very close to selling out.

C&O Greenbrier 4-8-4: No C&O fan can be without a 3rd Rail Greenbrier. Built from actual C&O blueprints, the Greenbrier models come in the #600-#604 series and #612. Only a few of each remain.

PRR O-1 2-B-2 Electrics: The O-1 was used for light passenger duty such as the Susquehannock and Lehigh Valley Trains. Available in pairs, there are 2 versions, O1 and O1A, differing in cab number and vent configuration.

Harriman Cars: SP and UP: Finally a follow on set for our original Harriman car release. The 60’ Coach, 60’ Baggage, 60’ Baggage Mail, 60’ Milk and Cream(SP ONLY), and 72-D-3 72’ Diner. Each has been lettered for SP Lines, SP (Green), SP (Two Tone Grey), UP (Two Tone Grey), or UP (Yellow) and Illinois Central. Also available in green painted but unlettered. These cars are available now.
Gresley A4 Mallard: The fastest Steam Engine Ever, the Mallard has 5 sister still on display. 2 in N. America, "Dwight D. Eisenhower" (BR GREEN), "Dominion of Canada" (BR GREEN) have just been announced. With only 10 available in each Livery, they won’t be around long. May 09.

Coming Soon

CNR U-2G4-8-4 / GTW U-3B: CNR had over 160 "Confederations" in service during the age of steam. Coming July 2009 these Northerns are a must for any CN or GTW enthusiast. Also in Ohio Central Colors #6325.
N&W Y-6A –
Announcing a version never done in 3 Rail before, the Y-6A differs from the B in several ways. The A version has a large BL Feed Water Heater on the left side in place of the air pump. The air pump is moved to the right side. The Worthington FWH on top of the smoke box is removed and the smoke box is shortened because of this. The tender is also slightly different in this version. Get both versions and complete your N&W Collection. September 09.

B&O Q-4b: This Mikado is scheduled for completion in September 2009. Pre-Production Sample Pictures Are posted.

Great Northern M-2 2-6-8-0: Great Northern also rebuilt this Mallet into a simple articulated in the 1930s. The M-2 was at home hauling freight and coal. A very distinctive model in Glacier Park green. Coming Late 09.

N&W K-2a Streamline Mountain: At first glance you might think it was a J, but it ain't. Why is this locomotive so important, because it was important to the N&W. There were 12 of these modified K-2s. They were used frequently on the N&W. And now for the first time in O Scale, you too can run one. Coming Late 09.

UP FEF-3 4-8-4: #844 As it exists today, and In Service Grey or Black Painted FEF-3. Coming June/July 09.
UP Auxiliary Tender: Available with the UP FEF for $449.95 Coming Late 09.

New Announcements

Virginian 2-10-10-2: Virginian RR. A must for any modeller. Price is under $2000, show your interest and reserve one.

AT&SF 2900 Class 4-8-4: These Northerns pulled passenger trains with their 80" drivers. Coming 2010 $1399.95

C&NW H-1 4-8-4: Chicago and Northwestern Fans, Rejoice. The most celebrated Loco for C&NW is now on the drawing board. With our full compliment of features. Reserve yours today to make this project happen.

NYC H-10a and b: Over 900 Mikados ran on the NYC in 1941. The pinnacle of Mikado’s was the H-10. $1299.95

PRR GG-1 "OLD RIVETS": #4800 in 3 different paint schemes: Original #4899 (Wiskers), Loewy (Clarindon), Strasburg (Futura). Reserve your favorite, on 25 of each to be made, $899.95

CP D-10 4-6-0: There were over 800 of these 10 wheelers on the CPR. We are doing two distinct versions so order one of each. Early version will have single cylinder air pump and no skirting under running board. Late version will have compound air pumps and skirting under running board.

C&O Steel Center Cupola Cabooses: Built from blueprints, available in Red (Steam Era), Blue and Yellow (Diesel)
PRR Brill Gas Electric "Doodlebugs": PRR used these gas powered electric driven rail cars for suburban runs where electrification was not practical.

North Shore Silver Liners: These interurbans ran on the NSL the same as the Electroliner. A trolley looking trio, there are two coaches and a diner in a connected set. Both coaches are self powered. Taking reservations for $1099.95.

Scott  Mann - Sunset Models Inc.


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Last updated: April 8, 2009
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