Orders can also be made via fax or US Mail. Click on the text to download the IN-STOCK order form or the RESERVATION order form. Print it out, fill in the form and mail or fax it the following address.
When reserving a future model no down payment is necessary. When the model is available from the manufacturer you will receive a invoice by mail. This is when you pay for your reserved model. If you have any questions concerning your order, please do not hesitate to inquire through email or call us directly at 925-820-7701. If you wish to cancel your reservation, you may do so at any time. Repeated cancellations are not advised or appreciated. Make sure you are serious about your reservation as we order from the manufacturer based on your reservation.
When purchasing any model from Sunset Models you may return the model for a refund of the model price minus 2% for credit card fees within 30 days of your purchase for any reason. Shipping and handling is not refundable. You are responsible for shipping the model back to us, fully insured, and packed as instructed using the original containers. Your model must be received, and inspected before a refund can be issued. Use of the smoke units and associated smoke fluid contamination and or any modification to the model (i.e. adding or removing parts, glue or non factory materials) without our permission will VOID this return policy.
Sunset Models stands behind the quality of our products and will gladly repair or replace at our discretion, any defect in materials or manufacturing for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase at no expense to you, including shipping costs (you must call us for a UPS pick-up, or special shipping instructions. If you ship without calling we will only reimburse you the UPS insured ground service from your location. After the 90 day period we will accept your model for repairs at our cost and shipping is at your responsibility. We will not reimburse shipping costs after the 90 day period for any reason.
After the 90 day period we will accept your model for repairs at our cost and shipping is at your responsibility. We will not reimburse shipping costs after the 90 day period for any reason.
3rd Rail / Sunset Models Electronic Order Form
Model Description Price Qty. Total Price x = Subtotal: CA. Residents, Please Add 8% Sales Tax: US Shipping and Handling: actual costs Actual TOTAL PRICE:
1) Name: 2) Street: 3) City: 4) State: 5) Zip Code: 6) Country: 7) Method of Payment: Mastercard Visa Check Money Order 8) Credit Card Number (Optional): 9) Expiration Date: 10) Phone Number: 11) E-mail Address:
Do you wish to receive a copy of this order via email? yesno
Main Catalog | 3rd Rail Gazette Last updated: 22-May-1996 E-mail us , or call 1-925-820-7701 for more information from our helpful staff.